Alkaline Beauty Roze

Alkaline Beauty Roze BY ALQUA – Hydrateert intensief en ondersteunt het natuurlijke evenwicht van de huid. De gezichtshuid wordt schoon en vitaal.


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Artikelnummer: BPW11489
Categorie: Beauty & Care, Overige Producten

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Intensively moisturizes and supports the skin's natural balance. Facial skin becomes clean and vital. The nano-drops are also excellent for "dry" eyes.

Water is the second most important substance after oxygen for maintaining good health and a radiant appearance.

Our body consists of 75% water. If we reduce this percentage even by 2%, we already dehydrate! So from the inside (we can't stress it often enough!), it is very important to drink enough water. From the outside, you can now provide your skin with a haze of cooling and hydrating water in a very "fashionable" way thanks to AlkaBeauty!

The millions of micro-droplets from the AlkaBeauty facial sprays are 100% natural and give your skin a quick 14% extra hydration. Handy, because many skin care products perform many times better on properly hydrated skin.

The AlkaBeauty face spray offers refreshment after a tiring day at work, during a hot train ride, on a plane, in the sauna or while exercising. In addition to refreshing and cooling, the Evian brumisateur soothes irritated skin and gives your face a refreshing micro-massage. The AlkaBeauty face spray is widely used by make-up artists because it fixes makeup on the face and many skin care products work better on moisturized skin.

In short, a real pick-me-up for your skin throughout the day. Hydrates, conditions and revitalizes your skin.

The only (most important) ingredient is plain tap water.

Warranty1 year

In some cases we cannot take back and resell certain products. This is because of hygienic reasons.

  • Opened filters (regardless of used or unused) cannot be returned. Due to hygienic reasons we cannot take them back and resell them. Unopened filters in seal can of course be returned.
  • Returning the product (after it has already been put into use) is possible under conditions.
  • The conditions do not apply in the case of a defective product.

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The pH and ORP results stated by the manufacturer are from testing in laboratories with conditioned conditions. The results may/will therefore differ from the values adopted by the manufacturers and by us. pH and ORP is highly dependent on the qualities of the water to be used:

  • Thus, the starting value of the pH may vary greatly.
  • The filter (in mineral ionization) is obsolete.
  • In addition, the temperature of the water is never ideal. The lower the temperature, the higher the oxygen content of that water. Since water from our taps never has a value around 2 degrees Celsius, the amount of oxygen in the water is never optimal, so the ORP is also never optimal. Water, depending on its temperature, has a maximum salvaging capacity of 14mg. per liter. Thus, if the water from your tap is around 12 degrees Celsius, it can hold much less oxygen than at the aforementioned 2 degrees Celsius.
  • The mineral content and ratios of the various minerals to each other can vary greatly. Without minerals or other matter present, ionization cannot occur because water itself conducts very poorly.
  • How many liters of water per minute is the water flow? With ionization, the rule of thumb of: "The slower, the better!