What is Alkaline Water

What is Alkaline Water

What is alkaline water and what are its benefits? All about pH and how alkaline water can benefit your health. Alkaline water is water that has a higher pH than normal tap water. The pH scale runs from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. Anything below 7 is acidic, and anything above 7 is alkaline (alkaline or basic). Normal tap water usually has a pH of about 7. Alkaline water for drinking has a pH that usually ranges between 8 and 9.

Alkaline Water and pH Value

As indicated, the acidity of water is represented by its pH value. By the way, this applies not only to water, but to all liquids. The pH value scale runs from 1 to 14. If you drink water with a pH value of 7, then you are drinking pH neutral water. A pH value lower than 7 means higher acidity.

Water with high acidity is also called acid water or acide water. Water with a pH of 7 or higher is called alkaline water. Many beverages we ingest, such as soft drinks, juices and coffee are usually acidic. Tap water, on the other hand, is generally alkaline. After all, acid bites and is not good for the plumbing, thus not good for the body either.

Alkaline water is the only drinking water found in nature. In fact, water becomes completely alkaline (naturally) when water flows over rocks and picks up the minerals that raise the pH.

But it can also be made artificially through a mineral or electrical procedure. This process is called water ionization.

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Making Alkaline Water

There are several ways to make alkaline water. One common method is to use a water ionizer, a device that separates the acidic and alkaline components of water through an electrolysis process, or water ionization. This creates two separate streams of water: one that is acidic and one that is alkaline. The alkaline water is then collected for drinking.

Another way to make alkaline water is to add minerals to the water. Minerals such as calcium, potassium and magnesium are added to the water to raise the pH level. This can be done by adding alkaline drops or by using a water filter specifically designed to filter the water and then add minerals to the water.

Types of ionized water

  • Alkaline water: This is the most common form of ionized water and is often touted for its potential health benefits. Alkaline water has a higher pH than regular tap water, usually between 8 and 9.5
  • Acidic water: This water has a lower pH, usually between 2.5 and 5.5, and is often not recommended for consumption. Acidic water is usually used for external applications, such as skin care and cleaning, because it has antibacterial properties.
  • Neutral water: This type of water has a neutral pH of about 7. It is often used as a baseline for comparison with alkaline and acidic water.

Alkaline Water Benefits

Because alkaline water has a higher pH (low acidity) than ordinary tap water, this means it is less acidic and can have beneficial effects on the body. Therefore, it supports with keeping your acid-base balance. There are many. Want to learn more about the benefits of drinking or using alkaline water? Then check out this page: alkaline benefits

What is Alkaline Water