
Ionized Alkaline Water has extremely important antioxidant qualities and is thus consumed by seniors as a preventive remedy against signs of aging, to protect against free radicals and it also increases vitality, among other things.

The water supports the immune system and the body is better able to absorb nutrients due to the ionized alkaline water, keeping all your body functions vital. Alkaline ionized water, enables your body to hydrate quickly. The water is absorbed by the body 3 to 6 times faster than regular drinking water (source UCLA - University of California).

Nutrients not only get to where they are needed faster, but you also detoxify faster. Harmful substances therefore have a reduced chance to do damage.

Our ionizers last 15 to 30 years and always deliver consistent quality. In Japan, Korea and e.g. the United States, alkaline water ionizers have been recognized as medical equipment for decades.