Alkaline Water

The Best Pure pH supercharged water - Best Pure Water

Discover the benefits of Alkaline Water - pure, filtered & healthy pH supercharged Water and improve your lifestyle today!

In general, everyone is familiar with the fact that water is essential for our survival and that good drinking water is one of the most important factors for good health. After all, our body consists of more than 70% water and that water really controls every aspect of our lives. For example, it is necessary for our body to process and absorb food. It ensures proper muscle tone, supplies oxygen and vital nutrients to our cells, and ensures the removal of waste products (acids) in our bodies.

Maar wat veel mensen zich niet realiseren is dat zo’n  standaard waterfilter jouw kraanwater “dood” filtert. Het filter herkent immers niet de goede en slechte elementen van kraanwater. Oftewel alle zogenaamde ‘goodies’ (de mineralen) worden ook uit jouw drinkwater gefilterd. Dit “dode” water (denk aan: omgekeerde osmose, gedestilleerd water ) kent doorgaans een zuurgraad van pH-waarde 5 of lager (zuur water / acide water) en komt nergens in de natuur voor. Zo ook niet uit jouw kraan vanuit het waterbedrijf. Zuurcorrosie treedt nl op bij blootstelling van een metaal aan een zuurhoudend elektrolyt (pH < 7) en is dus slecht voor de leidingen.

Acidic water is therefore similar to soft drinks. Soft drinks are delicious, of course, but they contain the most acidifying substances you can ingest. Sugars and carbon dioxide are highly acidic/strongly acrid and are not good for your health.

We favor (filtered) alkaline water. This water is also called Alkaline Water or Basic Water.

Alkaline Water is very alkaline, nice and fresh tasting, healthy because of its minerals and antioxidants. This higher pH drinking water provides better acid-base balance, hydration, improved digestion and more energy.


Since there is so much information available about water, we have split the website into an informational section and web shop.


In our webshop we have a wide and diverse range of alkaline water filter products. You can buy or rent water ionizers from us (try before you buy) and we offer solutions such as alkaline drops, alkaline stick and alkaline water jugs.

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Discover the AlkaKan combo deals and order an Alkaline Water Jug with 10% off and extra discount on filters.


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